Welcome to Wellydogs

I started Wellydogs in April 2019 combining my love of dogs with my love of walking. I currently have two Cockapoos of my own, one chocolate called Alfie and a black one called Gatsby. They are now eight and like to think they rule the roost at home!! They really love biscuits, walks, dinner time, cuddles and sleep.

Pets have always been a part of my life both growing up and as a adult, so progressing into pet care felt a natural path to follow

I live in the centre of Wetherby and also cover all surrounding areas with a number of suitable, safe and secure places where I conduct the dog walks.

In addition to walking I offer house sitting services ensuring that your beloved pet(s) can stay in their own home whilst you are away on holiday, work trip, or visiting family. In addition this services offers you peace of mind knowing your home is being well looked after for the duration of your trip. This is a bespoke service catering for your specific requirements.